Evaluation of Preoperative Hemogram Results at the Hematology Laboratory of Joseph Ravoahangy Hospital
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Blood count
Intensive care
Preoperative assessment
Preanesthetic consultation


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Rakotoarivelo, Z. H. ., Dodoson, B. T. ., Tsatoromila, F. A. M. ., Rakotovao, A. L. ., Rabenandrianina, A. T. ., & Rakoto, A. A. O. (2024). Evaluation of Preoperative Hemogram Results at the Hematology Laboratory of Joseph Ravoahangy Hospital. Revue Tunisienne De BIOLOGIE CLINIQUE, 31(1). https://doi.org/10.71699/revtunbiolclin.v31i1.247


Introduction: The prescription of the complete blood count occupies an important place in medical practice. The preoperative assessment is one of the frequently observed indications. The objective of this study was to describe the results of the hemogram during the preoperative assessment carried out in the hematology laboratory of the Joseph Ravoahangy Andrianavalona Antananarivo hospital. Methods: A prospective and descriptive study was conducted in the laboratory for 3 months. It concerned patients who had undergone a preoperative assessment during this period, the nature of the intervention having been specified. Results: Out of 1535 blood counts requested, 259 records were identified as preoperative assessments. They represented 16.87% of the assessments, of which 67.95% were pathological. The average age was 26.5 years with a predominance of pediatric age (37.45%). Genito-urinary pathologies (42.86%) followed by digestive pathologies (18.53%) are the most encountered, including respectively the cure of the inguinal hernia (50.45%) and intestinal occlusions (26.16%). Anemia (22.78%), hyperleukocytosis (19.69%), and thrombocytosis (12.36%) were the most found biological abnormalities. The anemias were discreet and mostly microcytic, not requiring a transfusion strategy. Conclusion: The complete blood count constitutes an essential element of orientation during the preoperative assessment. It allows to detect any hematological abnormalities in order to take adequate measures for a good pre and postoperative resuscitation. A selective prescription is strongly recommended depending on the history, the clinical examination of the patient and the type of intervention.

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